Entries from February 2010 ↓

Briggs Chapter 6

Chapter 6 of Mark Briggs’ “Journalism Next” textbook explains the importance of photography in online news stories. Briggs explains that copyright is very important in online news stories.  A writer cannot simply ‘lift’ an image he or she finds online to use in their story.  Permission is needed to use the photograph. Advice for taking […]

Briggs Chapter 5

The effects of mobile media on the journalism industry is showcased in chapter 5 of Mark Briggs’ “Journalism Next” textbook. The chapter explained London newspaper reporter Nicola Dowling’s experience of filming soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo’s car crash in a London tunnel.  Her Nokia cell phone allowed her to record high-quality video and pictures from the […]

Briggs Chapter 9

Chapter 9 of Mark Briggs’ “Journalism Next” textbook deals with how to manage a highly-digitized life as a journalist. We all have an e-mail inbox that we, hopefully, check at least once daily.  Others are constantly on Twitter or Facebook.  Everywhere we look, we see somebody tapping on their cell phone, writing a text message.  […]

Briggs Chapter 4

Chapter 4 of Mark Briggs’ “Journalism Next” textbook focused on microblogging, which is a way of writing very short blog posts to a wide audience. According to Briggs, Twitter started the trend of microblogging with a post limit of 140 characters or less.  However, he said that microblogging can be traced back to instant message […]

Briggs Chapter 2

Chapter 2 of Mark Briggs’ “Journalism Next” textbook focused on advanced blogging techniques. Briggs claimed that a blog has three defining characteristics: a reverse-chronological story update order, posts with a headline and a body, and a space reserved for reader comments.  Blogging was also explained in a way that it fits the roots of immediacy […]

Briggs Chapter 1

Chapter 1 of Mark Briggs’ “Journalism Next” textbook focuses on the fundamentals of computers and the internet that is required to be a successful journalist. Briggs made it clear that the internet and the World Wide Web are two different things.  He claims that the internet is the network of unified computers worldwide, while the […]

C-SPAN 3 Video Conference 1/21

Chris Cillizza, a political reporter for The Washington Post, spoke about politics and his experience in journalism to college students on January 21, 2010 on C-SPAN 3. Cillizza focused on Republican Massachusetts Senator-elect Scott Brown’s recent victory against Democratic candidate Martha Coakley.  He criticized Coakley’s campaign ads, saying that she relied on her experience more […]