Chapter 2 of Mark Briggs’ “Journalism Next” textbook focused on advanced blogging techniques.
Briggs claimed that a blog has three defining characteristics: a reverse-chronological story update order, posts with a headline and a body, and a space reserved for reader comments. Blogging was also explained in a way that it fits the roots of immediacy and reader interaction in journalism.
Most importantly, Briggs explained that a good blog is a continuing conversation. He felt that all journalists should have a blog, and that the best blogs have high reader input.
The chapter also covered many blogging terms that everybody should know, such as a permalink, which is a permanent link to a blog post that can be sent to friends and other people. A trackback is a way for bloggers to know who is linking their articles on other websites and blogs. A blogroll is a list of other blogs that are of interest to the blog writer. A widget is a small add-on accessory to a website such as a tag cloud or calendar. and are both excellent places to start a blog, but paying for a hosted blog offers you even more functionality and design options than a free blog.
Building an audience is very important with a blog. Briggs outlined ways to gain exposure for a new blog, which includes putting the reader first, making posts scanable, and being direct with the reader.
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